Qi Gong is often associated with the Five Elements, and Water is one of them. Water is often associated with the concept of "Qi," the vital life force and is the main element in Winter. Incorporating Water into Qi Gong practice can symbolize the flow of energy and fluidity. During your practice, focus on the qualities of Water: deep, calm, adaptable, and transformative. Channel these qualities through your movements and intentions. Here are some ways you can incorporate Water into your Qi Gong practice:
1. Practicing Near Water: If you have access to a natural Water source such as a river, lake, or ocean, you can practice your Qi Gong near the Water. The visual and auditory cues of water can help you synchronize your movements with its natural rhythm. This can be your introduction to merging with the element of Water. Even frozen water can surprise you with its’ sounds.
2. Water Visualization: During your Qi Gong practice, incorporate visualizations of Water flowing through your body. Imagine your body as a vessel for Water, and as you move, visualize the energy flowing smoothly like Water currents. You can also add color energy to incorporate the organs of the body.
3. Fluid Movements: Emulate the fluidity of Water in your Qi Gong movements. Instead of abrupt or rigid motions, focus on smooth, continuous, and wave-like movements. Let your body move with grace and ease, mimicking the way Water flows. Become the Water.
4. Water-Inspired Breathing: As you breathe, imagine inhaling the pure, revitalizing essence of Water and exhaling any tension, like releasing stagnant Water. Allow your breath to be as gentle and calming as the sound of a flowing stream. Observe your breath as a constant, without initiating it mentally.
5. Water-Qi Connection: Reflect on the connection between Water and Qi. Just as Water flows and adapts, so does Qi. Visualize the Qi within you flowing smoothly, unblocked, and nourishing every part of your body.
6. Use of a Bowl of Water: Place a bowl of Water in your practice area. Before you begin your Qi Gong session, you can perform a simple ritual by gently circling your hands over the Water to infuse it with positive intentions. As you practice, periodically glance at the Water to remind yourself of the fluid nature of Qi.
7. Water Meditation: Incorporate meditation that involves visualizing yourself surrounded by Water. Do you have a memory of this experience? Feel cool, soothing energy enveloping you and washing away any negativity. Imagine yourself floating in a tranquil body of Water, supported, and refreshed.
8. Water-Qi Gong Fusion: Consider practicing Qi Gong movements that mimic the flow and characteristics of Water. Movements that involve circular motions, undulating arm gestures, and swaying can help you embody the Water element. Enjoy the pleasure of your practice while in water.

Remember, the incorporation of Water in your Qi Gong practice is symbolic and metaphoric. It's about embracing the qualities of Water to enhance your connection with the flow of energy within and around you. Adapt these suggestions to suit your personal practice and let the essence of Water guide you in cultivating a deeper sense of balance and harmony.
“Water does not resist. Water flows. When you plunge your hand into it, all you feel is a caress. Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient. Dripping water wears away a stone. Remember that my child. Remember you are half water. If you can’t go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does.”
Margaret Atwood Book: The Penelopiad